Forms of Balance:

Symmetrical Balance: Also called formal balance because a form (formula) is used--a mirror image about a vertical axis. The results look formal, organized, and orderly

Merry Moor Winnet, Symmetry Springs, 1988

Radial Symmetry: The condition of having similar parts

regularly arranged around a central axis

 Joe Wood, Star Ring, 1999

Exact Symmetry: A mirror-image or an exactly repeated design

Axial Symmetry:
Having two opposing repeats, one on each side of an axis

Asymmetrical Balance:

Having no balance or symmetry. Does not have a line of symmetry.

Vincent Van Gogh, Starry Night, 1889

Occult Balance:

Uses a strong variety of sizes to show distance, has movement in an angular or curved direction, and most of all, background dominates the composition.
