Line-Wire Sculpture Project

Just like Alexander Calder, you will be creating your own sculpture out of line wire.

You will be brainstorming ideas and reviewing the grading rubric in order to get ready to create your sculpture. 

The Brainstorm Page and Rubric can be found under the Worksheets tab.

Your character sculpture needs to be:

  • Created by bending and twisting wire to create your shapes. (Pipe cleaners may be substituted if you do not have line wire)
  • Disproportional. You will focus on at least one feature to express an idea or feeling.
  • Detailed. Add details that personalizes the subject/character.
  • Balanced and free standing.

Use the Brainstorm Page to brainstorm two characters you would like to create for your line-wire sculpture and practice sketching them using the Character Sketch Practice page.

Review the rubric. This is the scale that will be used to grade your project.  Before you draw your sketches, you need to know what is required for a passing grade.  Make sure you understand the requirements before you begin your sketches!

You can find the Character Sketch Practice page and the Rubric under the Worksheets tab.

Before you begin your sculpture, complete the Grade Checklist found under the Worksheets tab. Please check every box to make sure your sculpture plan hits all points on the checklist.

How to make a wire sculpture:

  1. Create your sculpture based on the drawings you have made.
  2. Work on all sides of the sculpture so that it looks interesting from every angle and from every point of view.
  3. Remember that you can cut off parts you don't like and attach pieces of wire. Twist and wrap the wire to attach pieces.
  4. To help stabilize and balance your sculpture, you may have to layer wire.  You may move, bend and squish wire to help make the sculpture balanced.