Discerning Forms of Balance

Image Search Activity:

  1. Use the Internet to find the following pieces of art
  2. Print an image of each piece
  3. Discern (Determine) what form of balance the artist is used
  4. Explain what features of the piece create balance

Here's an example:

American Gothic, Grant Wood, 1930

  1. The centrally located window creates exact symmetry
  2. The background creates balance by filling in the spaces
  3. Balanced frowns
  4. The Pitchfork creates informal balance because it makes an imaginary line down the middle of the artwork.

Here are the images to search for:

Remember for each piece of artwork answer:

  1. What type/s of balance is used?
  2. What features make the artwork balanced?
  3. You must print a copy of each piece of artwork to go along with your notes.

Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh

Compotier, Fruit and Glass by Pablo Picasso

Tranquility by Peter Lik

Turquoise Marilyn by Andy Warhol

The Annunciation by Henry Tanner